Manufacturing Capabilities

Private: Special Processes


Surface Treatment & Coating - Nadcap Approved!

- Thermal spraying techniques processes where heated materials are sprayed on surfaces in order to improve or restore a components surface properties or dimensions. This process significantly increases resistance against erosion and wear, as well as providing protection against corrosion.

In-House controlled Surface Treatment & Coating through dedicated hi-tech equipment and skilled operators

HVOF & Plasma Arc Spray

  • GE Power Approved HVOF and TBC Qualifications

Shotpeen - Nadcap Approved!

- Shot Peening is used to produce a compressive residual stress layer on metals and composites in order to increase the fatigue strength of surfaces.


  • Auto Dual Media Change

Wet Grid Blast, Tailor Made Automated Grit Blasting, Glass Bead Peen

Ultrasonic Cleaning, Alkali/Etch Cleaning, Passivation